Sunday, September 8, 2024
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This is the misuse and manipulation of science. The result is a bogus science that is agenda and ideologically driven and fails to get to the truth. The misuse of the PCR test which was the instrument that drove government policy still has ramifications to this day with late and delayed cancer diagnoses, mental health issues and the grotesqueries of people dying alone in nursing homes. Science, bad science or deliberately falsified pseudoscience, you decide. 

GAME OVER Time to admit we’ve been grossly misled

The mainstream media has been bought and paid for. Best you can expect is ceaseless propaganda to ‘Get the Vaccine’ even though it’s an experimental nano-technology that will do more harm than good. This injection, which is not a vaccine, will weaken your immune system and dramatically shorten your life, not to mention how it will affect your fertility.

SPELLBOUND How television’s propaganda controls the masses

As pressure mounts to get 'vaccinated', Author F.Makay explores how television has brainwashed the masses and killed criticial thinking... Scamdemic? Are you the type of person who gets all their information from the TV? If so, you may be interested in what the Church of Satan...

JUST BREATHE Masking our primary health ally

Breathing. It’s a crime. At least it feels that way. They’re making kids from the age of six up wear masks to school here in France.

HOLOTROPIC BREATHING High on your own supply

Drug dealers look away now. I’ve just got off my head on, whisper it, air. Like proper buzzing. Best buzz of my life to be honest. I was definitely in an altered state of awareness and it felt so good. One of the daddies at the school gate roped me into the...

IN PRAISE OF MEN Before things get too gender fluid

Oh men, men, men! You incorrigible bunch. Between starting wars for profits and power you ole rascals and burning barbeques and failing to wipe down countertops and causing then denying global warming, you certainly keep us ladies guessing what devilment you’ll get up to next. Sure look it, I could go on...

BRANDO’S MENTOR The legacy of acting guru Stella Adler

In Spring 2017, Irish actress Jenn McGuirk received a scholarship to the iconic Hollywood school Stella Adler Academy of Acting and Theatre in LA. Here she tells about the legacy of one of Hollywood's most beloved acting teachers who mentored stars including Marlon Brando and Robert de Niro.


We are constantly being told by experts to wear sunscreen but can we trust it anymore considering there's so much damning evidence linking certain ingredients to cancer and coral reef damage? Remember Baz Luhrmann's 1999 number one hit, Everybody's Free: "If I could offer you only one tip for the future,...

IMPOSTER SYNDROME How to tackle self-doubt…

Imposter Syndrome. Have you ever felt that all your accomplishments have been due to luck, chance, connections or anything else that isn’t your own abilities, determination, drive and talents? Imposter Syndrome: When self doubt becomes self sabotage Image: Pixabay If you have, you’re not alone. We...

CANNES The world’s most controversial and seductive film festival

It may have a terrible track record for promoting female directors, for enforcing anarchic rules about high heels on the red carpet and for championing questionable characters, but it’s hard not to be won over by the spectacle of The Cannes Film Festival. Look! There’s Bill Murray. Tilda Swinton. Bella Hadid. Elton John....