Something stinks

Anybody else getting a strong whiff of counterintelligence from this story? Weird conspiracy theorist guy picking on a father and daughter in wheelchairs. Up there with ‘Weird conspiracy theorist woman picks on grieving mother’ as we’ve had in Ireland. Consider the optics for the public. Richard D Hall presents his low production shows with a big rotating globe behind him (some conspiracy theorist). Yes I know, all those 22s. I get it. Big clues dropped on purpose. It may well have been some kind of satanic ritual. Arianna Grande is a self-confessed witch and all that. But to claim that Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve didn’t go to the concert and got their injuries somewhere else is just ridiculous and that’s clearly the point. To make ‘our side’ look nuts and unsympathetic and downright nasty. That’s how these operations work. Surprised to see the amount of people falling for it but we’re clearly not used to this kind of warfare.

I posted the above on Telegram to a mixed response and the inevitable drop in numbers. So be it. Most people on ‘our side’ have bought into the Richard D Hall set up so they’re cross when I point out obvious things like his questionable investigative journalism that doesn’t pass basic checks and balances. Here’s an example of the reactions in the comments section. This one from Damian:

Aisling how low can you go, this is the same MSM that promoted the 💉 and called people like you a conspiracy theorist. Richard could be wrong about nobody being injured but he is right about a lot of things and exposes some very interesting facts

This right here is the problem I have with ‘our side’. Moral relativism. They think because Richard D Halll says some good stuff it absolves all his mistakes. WRONG. Grave error. Of course counterintelligence offers some interesting facts. That’s part of the job to hook you in, but the ultimate aim of the game is to destroy the reputation of conspiracy theorists by saying dumb shit (excuse my French), to undermine the movement and to give an excuse for draconian new laws. The main crisis actor I can detect from the Manchester arena attack is none other than Richard D Hall himself.

The real crisis actor

According to Richard D Hall, these people are all crisis actors, the 22 men, women and children who lost their lives in the suicide bombing attack at an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena in May 2017.

Bomber Salman Abedi’s device injured hundreds more. Hall claims they’re also acting and they’re wasn’t a bomb, just a loud bang. The whole thing was staged, he claims.

He’s ignoring the fact all the victims have been named and accounted for as laid out in this report form Sky News.

Absurd and Fantastical

Representing himself in court, Richard D Hall argued that there is no “first-hand tangible evidence”, like CCTV footage or photographs of injuries, to prove Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve were at the arena or were hurt from the blast.

The UK Independent (February 8, 2024) tells us: He showed the court a series of images, which he claimed reveals survivors are lying about their injuries, and referred to people pictured lying on the ground near the arena as having “agreed to take part in an exercise”.

However, in a ruling on Thursday, Judge Richard Davison ruled in favour of the pair and said that without this early decision, Mr Hall would “use the trial as a vehicle to advance and test his staged attack hypothesis”.

Judge Davison said: “Suffice it to say that, although his beliefs may be genuinely held, his theory that the Manchester bombing was an operation staged by government agencies in which no one was genuinely killed or injured is absurd and fantastical and it provides no basis to rebut the conviction.”

You can only imagine how Independent readers reacted to that article. No doubt thinking they were right to disinvite certain guests to tea during the Covid scam. Blood conspiracy theorists! They’d fall for anythingPotty lot of nut-jobs.

Let’s put it into context. Richard D Hall has deliberately said something outlandish: No one was injured in the Manchester arena that night. An obvious falsehood. Martin Hibbert is clearly in a wheelchair. He’s not faking his injuries, his legs show muscular atrophy. Richard D Hall has already lost. It’s now some kind of show trial. Ask yourself: Why did D Hall make such a ridiculous statement when it’s obvious there were injuries? The ‘Loud Bang’ theory doesn’t cut it in the real world and was not admissible in court.

Another comment from my Telegram channel, this one from Stephen, reads:

 remember getting into an argument with people when I explained that nobody died and they got all emotional and started calling me names…. most people are just dumb….you have to accept this

Ah no….ah we going back to believing this rubbish now? FFS

Well I’m afraid we must go back and assess if what we think we know is actually true. The hardest part for certain ‘conspiracy theorists’ is coming to terms with the fact they’ve been fed false information. After all, they’re supposed to be the smart ones, the ones who’ve it all figured out, the ones who saw through the Covid scam, who know the mainstream media is purchased and is distorting the news. Except they’ve just been played by a phoney investigative journalist spouting nonsense while pretending to be persecuted by the big bad system.

It’s a hard (red) pill to swallow especially when they think they’re already red-pilled. The traps are laid everywhere. Here’s one: If you’re not supporting Richard D Hall, the best investigative journalist on false flags, you’re a shill or controlled opposition. Honest critical thinkers don’t lay down terms and conditions like that. Whatever about false flags, this is a red flag and shows us why discernment is vital in detecting fakers. I’m always amazed by the amount of so-called awake people who repeat these counterintelligence lines without seeing the irony of their behaviour.

Asshole Conspiracy Theorists

How do you think the public feels when they read a story like this in The Mirror newspaper with a photo of Martin Hibbert in his wheelchair? Exactly. Asshole conspiracy theorists pick on guy in a wheelchair while claiming there was no bomb. Can’t you see that’s the aim of the counterintelligence operation? If conspiracy theorists can get this so blatantly wrong and behave so appalling towards a man and his daughter in wheelchairs, then the general public is right to have disdain for them and their poxy tinfoil hats. That’s how it works. It undermines everything. A complete turn-off to the middle ground.

Media Attention

The reason the mainstream media is giving this story so much coverage and exposure, directing people towards Richard D Hall’s paperback, Manchester – The Night of the Big Bang (on sale on Amazon for €54.28) – is because it’s a set up. If the powers that be thought this information should be hidden from the public, they’d ignore the story, starve it of oxygen. Amazon wouldn’t sell the book. Martin Hibbert would have been advised not to take the case against D Hall. The complicit newspapers wouldn’t meticulously set out his conspiracies for the viewing public to analyse. They want people to go explore and see for themselves. It’s a trap.

The Crux

If there was no bomb in the Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017, then how did Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve sustain their injuries? Riddle me that. And don’t say a car crash. Come on now. People also repeat this counterintelligence line as if they’re Columbo about to solve a mystery: Just one more thing – why were there no photos of Martin Hibbert or his daughter Eve in the arena that night? Well because they didn’t take a photo I suppose, they were too busy enjoying themselves. Isn’t this shot of the pair in the Italian restaurant on King Street West in Manchester enough for the vultures? There they are out enjoying themselves before the concert and now they’re in wheelchairs. Why would anyone pick on two people trying to get their lives back on track after such an ordeal?

Of course there are still questions

Obviously there are still many questions to be answered about that fateful night on May 22, 2017 in Manchester. You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to spot the security issues and stilted emergency response. Even the survivors of the attack can see the anomalies and are seeking answers. But to claim they’re all actors makes ‘our side’ look daft. For the birds. It gives our enemies ammunition and makes us look stupid and easily fooled by those paid to manipulate words, who do not have our best interests at heart. Sofa journalism at its most embarrassing.

Why would anyone believe us if we fall for this rubbish?

They’re the optics.

This is war.

Let me finish with that most annoying phrase those on ‘our side’ love to use but perhaps can’t handle themselves: